I giocatori di Commands & Colors: Ancents, il wargame che è stato nominato per il 2007 "miglior gioco per due" dall'autorevole Board Game Geek, si sono organizzati in Lega, hanno creato una classifica generale, e stanno avviando l'attività agonistica per il 2008.
Leggi il comunicato ufficiale:
Up to now, the C&CA tournaments hosted on Vassal have been only isolated events, with no greater framework behind them. That is recently changed, thanks to a League ranking system that takes all tournaments played on Vassal into consideration. In addition to giving an indication of the relative strength of the players, the system is able to take into account not only victories and losses, but also a player's long termperformance, the strength of competition, and level of participation. Furthermore, it will allow for a better structure for future large open tournaments and other special events. From now on, anyone who participates in a C&CA tournament on Vassal will automatically be a part of the League.
One of the special events that will be held as a result of the new system is an annual League Championship, starting on January 11. This is an invitational tournament, consisting of the 8 top-ranked players in the League. Full details of the League, ranking system , and 2007 League Championship are available for viewing in the Files section of the C&CA Vassal Players Yahoo Group.
We all Vassal players hope the new system will further encourage participation in tournament play and enhance the experience of belonging to our group in a very positive way.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />