Come già detto è un semplice gioco di piazzamento su cui è stato fatto un bel lavoro di grafica e materiali. Forse il difetto più grande è che lo svolgimento della partita è bene o male sempre lo stesso, e cioè fare nei primi turni le ricette con più ingredienti (4-5) e verso la conclusione quelle piccole, per il semplice fatto che l'affollamento di tessere rende più difficile creare combinazioni. Questo penso che determini anche una longevità del gioco non proprio estesa.
Wasabi! is a light and fast game where you compete against other players to assemble your quota of unique sushi recipes in a rapidly dwindling space. Players draw a variety of delicious ingredients into their hand from the pantry and play them one at a time onto the board, building off of each other's previously-placed ingredients in the attempt to complete recipes of varying difficulty. Completing a recipe earns you your choice of special actions from the kitchen to perform later (Chop!, Stack!, Switch!, Spicy!, and the dreaded Wasabi!) that will help you in your efforts or disrupt your opponents' carefully arranged creations-in-progress. Completing a recipe with style will earn you bonus points, but you might not always have the time to set up such stylish maneuvers... balancing speed with technique will be crucial if you plan to win the game! Victory comes as soon as the board fills up with ingredients. Points for completed recipes plus bonuses are tabulated, and the winner is the player with the most points. An extremely skilled player might score an instant victory by completing their quota of recipes before the board fills up.
- Wasabi!
- Sushi!
- 哇沙米!
- 壽司大廚
- 山葵!