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This is a game for ages 12 and up. the box contains a board, 12 small pawns, 12 large pawns, 3 turntables and 24 cards.
The board shows 6 colored rows, with each 18 fields. The rows are placed parallel to one another on the board. Two start and two destination fields are located on the ends of each row.
The turntables have each a different amount of fields. The first one only shows values from 1 to 3. The second one shows the values 3, 5, 7, 9 and several times 0. The third one can be used to try to double the number of fields your pawns can move.
There are 3 categories of cards : joker, super joker and stop cards.
For starters, each player gets 4 pawns (2 small and 2 large)of one color and 4 cards (2 joker, 1 super joker and 1 stop card). The pawns are placed on their start fields.
On your turn you can turn one of the two turntables with numbers. You can move one of your pawns accordingly. If you want to, you can turn the third turntable and try to double the distance your pawn can move.
A field can never contain more than one pawn. You can leap over your pawns.
If there are pawns on the fields parallel to the one where a large pawn is landing, the pawns on the parallel fields have to restart. Little pawns can never cause a restart to other pawns.
You can influence the course of the game by using the cards. Playing a joker befor you turn one of the turntables will double your result. The superjoker can be played after you have turned one of the turntables to double the result. The stop card can be used to stop one of the other players during his turn, but only when that player didn't play a joker or superjoker.
The game ends as soon as one of players has placed his 4 pawns on his destination fields.
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