Operation is a dexterity game in which you must extract silly body parts from a hapless patient. In the course of the game you acquire cards which dictate that you must remove a certain piece from the body of the patient. To do this you use a set of tweezers that are attached by wire to the game board. If you are sloppy and touch the metal sides of the hole where the item is located, the patient's pain is indicated by a sudden buzzer and light-up nose. Successful extractions net cash, and the player with the most cash at the end of the game is the winner. Various editions change the patient and the items to be removed, but the game stays the same in its essence: Shrek -- just like the classic version, but with Shrek. Simpsons -- Remove Homer's Bowler's Thumb, Pot Belly, Foot in Mouth, Rubber Neck, Trick Knee, etc. T-Rex -- excavating bones of a T. Rex Spiderman 3 -- healing all of Spiderman's ailments Pit Stop -- manipulating various car parts instead of people-parts Star Wars -- just like classic version, but with R2D2 and C3PO
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