La Menzogna la fa da padrona....
E divertente quasi piu' vedere un lupo gia' sulla gogna arrampicarsi sugli specchi adducendo improponibili prove che attestano una sua presunta provenienza da un ceppo umano, che vincere...
Werewolves haunt the secluded village known as Tabula: every night some villagers turn into werewolves and slaughter an innocent victim to satisfy their hunger. Surviving villagers gather every day to discuss the problem: at the end of the discussion, they lynch one person among them, thinking he could be a werewolf. Can you survive the massacre? Can you solve the mystery of the full moon? A game for large groups that is already a classic. To win you need the intuition of a detective... or your best poker face! The new edition includes: Deluxe oversized cards featuring original characters Updated high quality game components Special Ghost rules that allow everyone to play until the mystery is solved A new 8-player moderator-free variant And, of course... The Werehamster! Lupus takes inspiration from Werewolf, introducing several new and original rules, including the possibility to play a third faction other than werewolves and villagers. The box contains the classic cards representing the werewolves, the seer and the villagers, but it also adds some unique characters such as a werehamster and a medium. Players are not eliminated during the game, but keep playing as 'ghosts'.
- Lupus in Tabula
- Garou
- Lupus in Giocando
- Městečko Palermo
- タブラの人狼
- 狼人
- 타불라의 늑대