Game description from the publisher: The four colts are real little daredevils but are also best friends. Always out and about, they are often up to something. What they like doing most is seeing who is the quickest amongst them. No hurdle is too high, no ditch is too wide for them to jump over. Which little daredevil will show his best performance today? In Crazy Colts, players lay out an obstacle course with hurdles in different colors. Depending on the color of the dice, you can make your colt jump over one or more hurdles. If no color matches, your colt stays where it is. In compensation for such bad luck you can, however, lengthen the course. Which colt will be the first to jump over the last hurdle?
- Hoppa Galoppa
- ¡Salta, salta, poni mío!
- Crazy Colts
- Pony jumping
- Salta, cavallino, salta!
- Saute, petit poney!
- Villit varsat