Conflict in China during the middle ages. Each player attempts to establish as much control over the various provinces throughout China via military and political wrangling. Players have to manage their resources as they pick where they want to push the most in their fights over certain territories. Throughout the game there are revolts against the reigning emperor and players must pick which side they will join. Picking the wrong side too many times will cost you the game.
- Der weiße Lotus
- Der weisse Lotus
Voti e commenti per Der weiße Lotus
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Interessante sistema di controllo del territorio.
Giocato: poco
Grafica/Materiali: 2
Longevità: 2
Divertimento: 2
Voti da 0 a 5 - Giudizio finale - personalissimo - espresso su una scala di valori che comprende tutti i giochi e la loro valenza storico sociale.
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