Un buon punto d'ingresso per imparare cosa siano i COIN.
It is 60 AD. Romans have occupied the wild lands of Britannia, and exist in an uneasy peace with the tribes of the land… When the Iceni king dies, Roman greed triggers a rebellion led by the Iceni queen Boudica that tears across the south-east of Britain. With the Roman forces spread elsewhere in Britain, the revolt could forever change the course of history. This is an asymmetrical game of warring factions set in the turbulent times during the early Roman occupation of Britain. It is inspired by the COIN series of games by Volko Runke, published by GMT, and attempts to recreate the GMT COIN Series game experience within the restrictions of the 9 card nano game format.. This is an entry into the 2018 9 card nano game contest. Original WIP thread: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1943861/wip-coin-tribes-revolt-2018-9-c...
- The Coin Tribes' Revolt: Boudica's Rebellion Against Rome