Gioco provato a 16 anni? (più o meno)...mi divertiva (come nome, cose città...). Poi dopo 10 anni l'ho rivisto e comprato. Altre 3 partite...sempre divertente, ma alla fine sono prevalsi altri giochi per cui...venduto!.Però con la giusta compagnia e come apripista non ci stà male!
Boggle is a timed word game in which players have 3 minutes to find as many connected words as possible from the face up letters resting in a 16 cube grid. When the timer runs out, players compare their lists of words and remove any words found by multiple players. Points are then awarded for remaining words, depending on how many letters are in the word. (In the original Boggle, all words must contain 3 or more letters to score points.)
An example grid given in the French Canadian rules (of Deluxe Boggle) holds an amazing 459 words!
A number of variants have been produced by Parker Brothers over time, including Big Boggle (which uses a 5×5 grid of letters and forces players to search for longer words).
Boggle is a word dice game.
- Boggle
- Boggle Game Folio Edition
- Boggle Gamepen
- Boggle Reinvention
- Boggle to Go
- Deluxe Boggle
- Lig Letras
- Ordbox
- Il Paroliere
- Scarabeo Shake
- Scrabble Boggle