DeathZone is part of Games Workshop's Blood Bowl Series of games and is the second expansion to Blood Bowl (Third Edition). The set contains rules for new Blood Bowl coaching staffs, star players, teams, leagues and tournaments. DeathZone contains:
Death Zone Playbook
Roster Pad
1 League Reference Sheet
44 Dirty trick cards
45 Random Event cards
27 Magic Items
4 Trophies
2 Leader Re - roll Counters
1 lightning bolt
1 Fireball template
2 Zap! Counters
18 star player cards:
Nakflem Scuttlespike (Skaven Mutant)
Headsplitter (Rat Ogre Blocker)
Zzharg Madeye (Chaos Dwarf)
Hthark the Unstoppable (Chaos Dwarf Bull Centaur)
The Deathroller (Dwarf War Engine)
Grim Ironjaw (Dwarf Dragon Slayer)
Lord Borak the Despoiler (Chaos Champion)
Count Luthor Von Drakenborg (Vampire)
Varag Ghoul - Chewer (Orc Blitzer)
Mighty Zug (Human Blocker)
Horkon Heartripper (Dark Elf Assassin)
Prince Moranion (High Elf Dragon Prince)
Jordell Freshbreeze (Wood Elf Wardancer)
Bommer Dribblesnot (Goblin Bombardier)
Fungus the Loon (Goblin)
Grashnak Blackhoof (Minotaur Blocker)
Deeproot Strongbranch (Treeman Blocker)
"Ripper" Bolgrot (Troll Blocker)
Special play cards and five New Secret Weapons to add more carnage to this fast-paced game. Special trophies & stands and league roster pad/reference sheets are included.
Blood Bowl (Third Edition)
- Blood Bowl: DeathZone
- Death Zone
- Zona Mortal
Voti e commenti per Blood Bowl: DeathZone
A suo tempo un supplemento fondamentale per il blood bowl in qunato conteneva le schede per giocare con tutte le star-palyer (che ora trovate in internet al sito ufficiale del gioco), le regole per altre 6 squadre (anche queste adesso in internet) e le regole relative alle nuove abilità speciali non comprese nel regolamento base
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