Inverosimilmente brutto da vedere, inverosimilmente scomodo da maneggiare, inverosimilmente profondo, inverosimilmente difficile da padroneggiare.
Come Bus, un gioco germinativo nella storia dei giochi da tavolo.
From the Manufacturer:
"These fields no longer yield grain the way they used to," complains the farmer. "We should settle new lands before our food runs out. Why don't we start farming olives, like our neighbors?".
The cart-driver nods: "Ever since them city folks started worshipping San Giorgio I have to travel further and further to new building sites. I'm on my way now to the new inn they built. I'll change horses there and deliver this load," he gestures towards the pile of wood in the cart with his head "to the sea beyond. Gonna start some fisheries there. It is said we'll conquer those olive-farmers before long. But their land is even more polluted than ours."
The farmer nods his head in reply. As the cart starts moving again, he returns to the field to harvest the last bushels of grain, growing between the stumps of what used to be a lush forest -- three turns ago.
Antiquity is a strategy game for 2-4 players. It is set in an environment loosely modeled on Italy in the late Middle Ages. Players choose their own victory condition: they can focus on population growth, trade, conquest, or city building by choosing their patron saint.
Each strategy requires a completely different style of play. Or you can choose to adore Santa Maria, the most powerful saint of all -- but you'll be expected to build a civilization twice as impressive as any other player.
While your economy is constantly improving, with more and more advanced cities bringing new options each turn, the land around your cities is slowly being depleted, forcing you to travel further and further to gather your raw materials -- until finally, there is no more land left to farm. Let's hope one of you has won the game before that time!
22 Wooden cubes, 4 cities and 16 inns in each of the player's colors (red,blue,yellow and black)
4 Sets of buildings. Most buildings occur 4 times, except for the Storage (16), Fountain (16), Cart Shop (16) and Fishery (12)
4 Player aids
12 (small) city maps
1 Famine level board
1 Famine level marker (a plain wooden cube)
16 Map tiles
16 Exploration counters
Hexagonal grass markers
Pollution counters
48 goods counters of each of the 10 types (grain, olives, wine, sheep, fish, dye, pearls, gold, stones and wood)
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Premetto che non ho avuto modo di esplorarlo adeguantamente e quindi non so effettivamente giocarci bene, ne so ottimizzare adeguatamente i tempi, ma è proprio li che voglio arrivare. Mi sembra che più si diventa bravi più rimane solo una questione di velocità, il che non mi piace molto, specialmente quando l'interazione, se pur devastante, ci mette tempo ad arrivare. In definitiva non l'ho giocato abbastanza da dare un voto finale ma la senzazione è che più potrei diventare bravo meno potrebbe piaceremi. Paradossalmente le primissime partite in cui si faticava a far entrare un edificio che non fosse una tomba XD nelle città erano più divertenti di quelle dove rushavo San Giorgio per chiudere il prima possibile il mio avversario. Ora è tanto che non lo gioco, lo riproverò e verrò a cambiare il voto, in generale però, come tutti gli splotter, vale sicuramente la pena provarlo e comprenderlo.
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